TSC Responsible Vendor Program would be the training used.

Alabama ABC Board approved Responsible Vendor Program
TSC Associates LLC wrote the Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) that was been approved by the Alabama ABC Board in 2011. TSC Associates has one of the few programs in Alabama that is accepted for both On-premise and Off-premise licensees. Beyond training your staff how to serve alcohol responsibly, there are many benefits to being certified in our Responsible Vendor Program.
The Alabama Responsible Vendor Program (RVP) is an alcohol training and certification program for anyone who works in an establishment that sells, serves, or dispenses alcoholic beverages. The training, written by TSC Associates LLC, is one of the few programs in Alabama that is accepted by the Alabama ABC Board for both on-premise and off-premise licensees. The Alabama RVP is designed to train and educate alcohol sellers, servers, and dispensers on the legal responsibilities of selling, serving, or dispensing alcoholic beverages.
Benefits of Responsible Vendor Training
Understanding the laws and regulations of alcohol service in the state of Alabama can be cumbersome. Our comprehensive training teaches the laws specific to Alabama, violations and fees associated with these violations, and strategies to protect yourself, your customers, and your business.
Many servers do not know they can be held personally liable for violations. Alabama has liquor liability laws, also known as dram shop laws, that allow a person to sue a business. Dram shop laws hold a business or individual responsible for selling or giving alcohol to an intoxicated guest who then leaves and causes harm.
Our Alabama RVP can help employees make informed decisions to prevent issues caused by over-serving or selling to underage customers. As a seller of alcohol, you have a responsibility to verify the customer is of legal drinking age, and the customer is not served to the point of intoxication. In addition, our training also teaches staff how to manage difficult customer interactions better and avoid potential legal liability.
The benefits of responsible vendor training extend beyond its legal implications. Studies have shown that responsible vendor training can help increase customer satisfaction and reduce employee turnover due to the improved customer service skills taught in this course. In addition, it helps employees understand their roles and responsibilities when serving alcohol, which creates a safer work environment and encourages responsible drinking habits among customers.
Responsible vendor training in Alabama also helps create a positive and responsible culture among businesses that serve alcohol. With employees better equipped to make informed decisions, businesses can show their commitment to reliable service and demonstrate their commitment to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of guests. This can build customer loyalty and create a more secure work environment for employees.
Additionally, it is a great way to build a positive reputation in the community and maintain compliance with the changing laws and Alabama’s alcohol regulations. Most insurance companies offer discounted Liability Insurance premiums for businesses that are enrolled in an ABC-approved Responsible Vendor Program. Ask your insurance agent how much you can save today!
Overall, responsible vendor training offers countless benefits to businesses and customers alike. It ensures that everyone follows the rules of alcohol service while also providing employees with the skills and knowledge necessary to practice responsible service
Benefits of participating in the program include:
- Protection of the beverage license in the event a trained employee sells/serves an underage customer without the knowledge, consent or participation of the owner.
- Mitigation Benefits – If an establishment has training in an approved RVP by the Alabama ABC, violations upon inspection can be mitigated. All employees must be trained and records must be up to date.
- Most insurance companies offer a discount in liability insurance premiums to establishments that sell alcohol and are part of an RVP.
- Reduced risk of Dram Shop Lawsuits by effectively training employees.
- Broadening the hire base for 020 retail restaurant licensees.
- Improving the business relationship with local community by preventing problem situations that may lead to fines and bad press.
- Making communities safer by refusing sales and service to underage and intoxicated customers.
- Most of our customers receive large savings in insurance premiums which more than the cost for the RVP.
What We Offer (Alabama ABC Board Approved)
At TSC Associates, we offer Responsible Vendor training to meet the training requirements of Alabama’s ABC Board’s RVP. The Alabama ABC Board-approved program provides front-of-house staff and management with the knowledge, techniques, and strategies to help them serve alcohol responsibly. The Alabama Responsible Vendor Program includes four components:
The Effects of Alcohol on the Body
When alcohol is consumed, it is absorbed and metabolized in the body. Participants will understand how to recognize when someone has had too much to drink and methods of prevention.
Alcohol Law and Your Responsibilities
In Alabama, vendors are held responsible for alcohol-related violations on the premises or by their staff. The program covers both criminal and civil liability, with an emphasis on strategies to reduce risk.
Checking Identification
Participants will learn what qualifies as a legal ID in Alabama and how to properly verify that the ID is legitimate. They’ll also understand when and how to refuse service.
Discontinuing Service and Handling Difficult Situations
Participants will be taught how to handle situations where a guest has had too much to drink, as well as ways of de-escalating potentially violent situations.

Why Choose TSC Associates?
TSC Associates has one of the few Responsible Vendor programs in Alabama that is accepted by the Alabama ABC Board for both on-premise and off-premise licensees. Our experienced trainers will help ensure your staff is adequately trained to serve alcohol responsibly and prevent legal issues down the road.
We provide comprehensive Responsible Vendor training for Alabama establishments that meets the requirements of the Alabama ABC Board. Our program is designed to give your employees the knowledge they need to properly serve alcohol, increase customer satisfaction, and prevent liability issues. We use real-world examples and engaging exercises to reinforce lessons and make concepts more memorable for your staff. We provide updated information with each six-month review. We also provide custodian of records service with our RVP training. Get in touch with us for more information.
The Registration Process
TSC Associates LLC is committed to providing comprehensive training and risk management services to the hospitality industry. Our RVP instructor will come to your location to provide the initial training for your staff.
To register for one of our sessions, please click on the “Contact Us” button and follow the instructions on the page. We will be in touch very soon to discuss Alabama RVP training with you!